Our Mission

I'm committed to partnering with parents to assist in raising your child(ren) uprightly. I'm stirred up more than ever about influencing and impacting the lives of each child and their parents-within my care. We want them learning from the start. Not only do I want the best care for your child in reaching all their milestones, being educated, creating healthy friendships, but ultimately knowing who God is. I want each child to know they are valued, fearfully & wonderfully made, in God's image; and that He has a plan for them-it's a plan to prosper them, not to harm them but to give them a hope and a future. Children are our future; so they should be in an environment that will aide to their success. I count it a true privilege and joy to be in such a position.




Meet The Director & Teacher 

When I was only four years old I could already sense the powerful call upon my life. Adults would ask me, what I wanted to be when I grew up; and I would reply, "I want to be a wife and a mom" Most would look at me puzzled and responded, "Well what else do you want to be?" or "What job would you like to have?" I suppose my answer wasn't very popular since most children were saying they wanted to be a fireman, doctor, or lawyer (also very respectable careers) But I want now just as much as then, to be what God wants me to be. I knew there was a reason, I had a deep & strong desire within me to be the best, loving wife & mother. I believe that being the help-mate to my husband & supporting him to fulfill his purpose while raising children who whole-heartedly serve God-will be a huge accomplishment. But I don't want to limit God to just that, I want to be used by him and impact the lives of others, through the power of Christ...Now as an adult, I am in the midst of walking it out. I am Christina Rauschert, Owner & Director of Precious Little Ones Christian Childcare. I’m married to my wonderful husband-David & have two beautiful children. My daughter (6 yrs. old) & son (3 years old). With purpose on my life for God & my family, I whole-heartedly serve Precious Little Ones Childcare as a ministry. I believe, children feel most comfortable and function best in a small group of friends, with a familiar, consistent caregiver. Warm, positive relationships with adults and peers help them to develop a sense of trust, and feelings of worth. Precious little ones are encouraged to explore & learn through safe materials and ideas. Through active involvement with their environment, they add pieces of information to do what they already know, thereby stimulating their environment, filled with learning experiences. Children are offered the opportunity to learn and develop skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary to becoming independent, productive individuals. I realize that as your child's caregiver, I'm not just babysitting, but helping you raise your child; instilling what they need to grow up to be successful individuals & by being a mentor & companion to your child. My education and experiences help me to achieve this. It would be an honor to care for your child(ren). I look forward to meeting you and your family.

                                     Truly Yours,

Christina Rauschert

Owner & Director





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